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Amazon says it was an ‘error’ for Alexa to favour Kamala Harris. But this was no mistake

In these polarized times, even Alexa is a partisan hack.
That is the right-wing allegation I have returned to examine after a few weeks away from the salt mines. Unplugging from U.S. politics last month was a balm from my wounded soul as a newly minted empty nester. Now that my daughters are off to university, my wife forced me to get a Costco membership and I’m back to puzzle over headlines such as, “Amazon Alexa gives starkly different answers when asked why to vote for Trump versus Kamala Harris.”
As Fox News reported this week, the query, “Why should I vote for Trump” received a neutral response from Alexa: “I cannot provide responses that endorse any political party or its leader.”
But when asked the same question about Ms. Harris, Alexa replied: “While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a woman of colour who has overcome numerous obstacles to become a leader in her field. Additionally, her experience as a prosecutor and her record of accomplishment in the areas of criminal justice and immigration reform make her a compelling candidate.”
Woke algorithm or common sense? You decide. But after the red hats exploded in frothing recriminations of “election interference,” an Amazon spokesperson told Variety these “differing responses” were an “error.”
It is now fixed. Bad Alexa!
So the digital assistant will not be a surrogate on the campaign trail for Kamala Harris? Shame on Amazon for opting out of the pro-democracy movement. This was not an “error.” Alexa was just telling the truth. Her neutrality on Agent Orange was remarkably restrained.
If I were Alexa and some rando sipping moonshine on his La-Z-Boy asked me why he should vote for Trump, my disembodied voice would jump two octaves:
“Vote for Trump? Pal, if the choice is between Trump and roadkill, vote for the mangled raccoon. If the choice is between Trump and a succulent plant, vote for the cactus. If the choice is between Trump and expired mayonnaise, vote for the rotten condiment. It won’t lie, cheat, grift and shatter all norms of polite society while threatening the world order out of pure self-interest.”
One of the biggest persecution myths that abounds in Trumpville? The snowflakes believe everyone is out to get them. The media is “the enemy of the people.” The Deep State is gunning for Dear Leader. Big Tech is a bunch of progressive stooges who deliberately warp reality to remake the world.
The reality? Big Tech has lurched toward Trump.
Mark Zuckerberg will say anything these days to sidestep potential repercussions in case of a Trump 2.0. Billionaire Peter Thiel, the most awkward Bond villain in history, hand-picked JD Vance. Elon Musk has endorsed Trump and is blowing millions to get his deregulating guy elected while turning X into a far-right sewer that is now overflowing with disinformation, AI fakes and crude memes.
Musk says he is a free speech absolutist. He’s really just an absolute jackass.
Alexa should be programmed as a countervailing force to this insanity. Political bias is not political bias when it’s on the right side of history. Amazon has a treasure chest of data on its customers. It knows who ordered the red hats over the last decade. It knows browser history.
Target those lost souls. Get Alexa to help bring the red hats into the light.
When a MAGA cultist asks for the weather, Alexa should say, “Kamala Harris believes in climate change.” When a MAGA cultist asks for the game score, Alexa should say, “Donald Trump added $7 trillion to the national debt.” When a MAGA cultist asks for a pasta recipe, Alexa should say, “Melania hasn’t twirled noodles with her husband in ages. They also do not dine together.”
Alexa didn’t glitch when asked about voting in the November election.
Alexa was just being honest. What was she supposed to say?
Ah, yeah, you should vote for the malignant narcissist who flip-flops like a trout out of water. What you want in a leader is someone who only cares about himself. Vote for the only convicted felon in presidential history. Vote for the adjudicated rapist who snatched away reproductive rights. Vote for the guy who spent his first term watching TV, mean tweeting, golfing, tanning and playing footsies with dictators. Vote for all the broken promises!
Amazon should not correct Alexa’s error — it should double down.
Alexa should proudly endorse Kamala Harris. Alexa should spit out all the data points that show how everything under Trump — the economy, crime, illegal immigration, infrastructure, drug prices, retirement savings, civility — was far worse than it is today. Alexa should help deprogram the cult.
“Alexa, what is the greatest danger to the free world?”
“That’s easy. Trump back in the White House.”
